These voltage reference monolithic ics operate like 2. The lm is a general purpose shunt regulator diode designed to operate over a wide current range while. Their low impedance and wide current range facilitate biasing in any circuits. Their low impedance and wide operating current range simplify biasing in almost any circuit. Design limits are guaranteed but not 100% production tested over the in. It can also provide a significant saving in floor space. Production data information is current as of publication date. Each switch features two inputoutput terminals ny and nz and an active high enable input ns. Lm118lm218lm318 operational amplifiers national does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and national reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications. Dual and single low noise op amp, ne5534 pdf download philips electronics, ne5534 datasheet pdf, pinouts, data sheet, equivalent, schematic, cross reference, obsolete, circuits. Dynamic impedance guaranteed temperature stability fast turnon description the lm236 and lm336 are precision 2. Another function of the presentation service is to send the saved content. Not recommended for new designs the max909 was manufactured for maxim by an outside wafer foundry using a process that is no longer available. Lm387lm387a low noise dual preamplifier march 1987 lm387lm387a low noise dual preamplifier general description the lm387 is a dual preamplifier for the amplification of low level signals in applications requiring optimum noise performance.
Additional benefits include increased application performance, operational availability and security that can only come from ibm. This device features buriedzener technology for low noise performance. Dynamic impedance adjustable for minimum temperature coefficient wide operating current range. See the connection diagrams for available packages. Bill gates formed a partnership with ibm to bundle microsofts operating system with ibm computers. Maybe i am not getting the stage setter but what if i had 10 fixtures each with 8 channelscolor gobo etc all set to different dmx addresses that i want to make a single scene for. Lm236 lm336 application information 515 4 application information the lm236, lm336 voltage references are easier to use than zener diodes. Application hints the lm6 series voltage references are much easier to use than ordinary zener diodes. Thinkpad e470e570 is designed to keep pace with your business as you power through every day. Data sheet ibm systems and technology power systems software costs, energy, floor space and administrative overhead. The monolithic i c voltage reference operates as a low temperature coefficient 2. Lm336 datasheet pdf, lm336 data sheet, lm336, lm336. Design limits are guaranteed but not 100% production tested over the. These limits are not used to calculate outgoing quality levels.
Lm336 datasheet, lm336 datasheets, lm336 pdf, lm336 circuit. Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. Free devices maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector. Besides, the breakdown voltage or the temperature coefficient can be adjusted so as to optimize the performance of the circuit. Lm2901 lm339 lp2901 lp2901idrq1 lp2901iq1 lp2901q1 text. The gain is internally set to 20 to keep external part count low, but the addition of an external resistor and capacitor between pins 1 and 8 will. Each of the two amplifiers is completely independent, with an internal power supply decoupler. The lmlm and lm integrated cir reproduction of ti information in ti data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is. These monolithic ic voltage references operate as a. Lm386 low voltage audio power amplifier december 1994 lm386 low voltage audio power amplifier general description the lm386 is a power amplifier designed for use in low voltage consumer applications. However, sgsthomson microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
Lm386 low voltage audio power amplifier echelle inconnue. Design limits are guaranteed but not 100% percent production tested o ver. Help you support your dynamic business needs efficiently while minimizing risk. Electronic component documentation datasheet lm236m2. Lm336 pdf, lm336 description, lm336 datasheets, lm336 view. The content and s of the attached material are the property of its owner. The lm is a general purpose shunt regulator diode designed to operate over a wide current range while maintaining good stability with time and. Bc337, bc33725, bc33740 amplifier transistors npn silicon features these are pb.
No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of sgsthomson microelectronics. Lenovo thinksystem sr530 is an ideal 2socket 1u rack server for small businesses up to large enterprises that need industryleading reliability, management, and security, as well as costoptimized performance and flexibility for future growth. Bom, gerber, user manual, schematic, test procedures, etc. Data sheet management software options ibm spectrum archive enables users of lto ultrium 8, 7 and 6 tape library systems to inventory cartridges and read, write and search data on any cartridge. Tools for your hybrid environment weve raised a lot of questions with this look at the modern hybrid it environment, and now lets find some answers. Ibm installation instructions before installation before installation sections 1 through 8 1. Powersupply operation pinforpin compatible with lm239, lm339, lm2901 d package top view 1out.
Refer to each individual client operating system aix, linux, and ibm i operating system regarding storage attachment claims when that os is the client of the vios. This size allows it to fit in many environments and makes it suitable for vaults. Onchip memory in the mc9s08fl16 series of mcus consists of ram, flash program memory for nonvolatile data storage, plus io and controlstatus registers. Lm348n lm348pw 25c to 85c 6 mv lm248d lm248n 55c to, lm248, and 0c to 70c for lm348. Am i correct in saying that i can give it 12v and it wouldnt matter as long as the current is limited to less than. Stmicroelectronics, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic. These monolithic ic voltage references operate as a low temperature coef ficient 5. The new, slimmer design makes it easy to for you to stay productive, creative and in touchat home, in the office, or.
Design limits are ensured but not 100% production tested over the indicated temperature and supply voltage ranges. The data sheet remains available for existing users. The storage solutions listed below are those solutions that were tested for vios attachment. Sep 11, 2019 lm324 pdf datasheet quad op amp contek, lm324 datasheet, lm324 pdf, lm324 pinout, data, circuit, ic, manual, substitute, parts, schematic, equivalent. The ca3140a and ca3140 bimos operational amplifiers. Rating symbol value unit power supply voltages vdc. Lm650lm23650lm33650 50v reference diode generaldescription the lm650lm23650lm33650 integrated circuits are precision 50v shunt regulator diodes these monolithic ic voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient 50v zener with 06 x dynamic impedance a third terminal on the lm650 allows the reference voltage and. Lm158lm258lm358lm2904 low power dual operational amplifiers. The 3494 tape library has a small footprint, starting at two and one half feet wide by five feet deep. Datasheet coolspools ibm system i as400 information. A maxim replacement or an industry secondsource may be available. Lm336 datasheet, lm336 pdf, lm336 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. The third terminal allows either the temperature coefficient to be minimized or the reference voltage to be adjusted without changing the temperature coefficient.
858 966 521 709 1068 1253 1635 173 59 1308 1302 65 1511 333 173 561 1212 525 1252 1658 1176 390 877 1179 593 256 1067 940 1082 1497 862 915